West Central Indiana
Educational Service Center
Excellence through Collaboration
You asked.
We listened.
Check out the variety of Virtual workshops scheduled this year!
February 11, 2025
Respond by February 4, 2025
Expulsion Examiner Workshop
Presenter: Tim McRoberts
This workshop is designed to provide participants with the information and tools
needed to conduct Student Expulsion Hearings.
This will be a highly interactive workshop where participants will have the opportunity to have all their questions answered.
Topics included but not limited to:
Due Process Review
The Role of the Expulsion Examiner
Step by Step Process of Conducting a Hearing
Review of Pertinent Forms
Review of Indiana Code and Case Law
Question and Answer opportunity
Location 1 N. Calbert Way, ONT Board Room
Time 9:00 am -11:30 am Lunch on your own
Cost $99.00 for ESC members/$150.00 for non ESC members
Audience: Any building or Central office administrator, who is new to the role of Expulsion Examiner would benefit from this workshop. In addition, it can also serve as a great resource and review for those who already serve in the role.
K-12 Outreach Professional Development at Rose Hulman
February 12, 2025
Reading Routines for ALL Secondary Classrooms
Presented by Carrie Rosebrock
How do we grow our readers’ background knowledge and stamina…without abandoning our content? And: how do we do this without reading aloud every text that we need our students to read? Those seem to be pretty commonly asked questions. If we identify the top research-based reading strategies and then create predictable, manageable reading routines–we can actually make a shift and impact for our students. Join Carrie Rosebrock, author, district alignment coach, and former middle school English teacher, as she shares tangible tools and strategies that support comprehension and analysis of content-area reading. Teachers will leave with reading routines (and writing strategies) they can use in their classrooms the very next day to increase reading opportunities for all.
Audience: Content area teachers, all E/LA teachers, Support area teachers, Coaches, and Administrators.
To register online, click on the button above to submit a registration.
For more information about the AI workshops available On Demand "Just Ask"
West Central Indiana Regional STEM Ecosystem
West Central Indiana Regional STEM Ecosystem The STEM Ecosystems is a Global Community of Practice with extensive sharing of resources and expertise among leaders from education, business and industry, non-profits, philanthropy and others. Since 2015, the STEM Learning Ecosystems Initiative has cultivated and supported local, regional and state STEM Learning Ecosystems from across the globe.
The vision of the Indiana STEM Ecosystem revolves around supporting and nurturing collaborative efforts among various stakeholders. By serving as a statewide mediary, the Indiana STEM Ecosystem will facilitate the development and launch of regionally-based STEM ecosystem hubs. These localized ecosystems will work cohesively towards aligning regional STEM goals and priorities with the broader STEM objectives of the state of Indiana, resulting in a powerful collective impact.
WCIESC STEM Ecosystem is proud to serve as the regional STEM ecosystem hub for region 3 located in Greencastle, IN.
Through this unified approach, WCIESC STEM Ecosystem and the Indiana STEM Ecosystem will provide:
• ongoing support for STEM ecosystem members,
• resources and professional development,
• & state-level coordination of STEM initiatives.
By creating a seamless alliance between the regional and statewide STEM endeavors, we aim to ensure maximum impact on STEM education in Indiana, enhancing access to quality learning opportunities, academic excellence, and future success in the STEM field.
Join us in this transformative journey, as we work together to build a future where collaborative efforts empower learners, educators, and professionals alike, driving the growth and prosperity of STEM education across the state!
Regional Ecosystem Advisory Board
As we begin development of our regional STEM Ecosystem in West Central Indiana, we are creating an advisory board. This core advisory team will serve within the larger STEM Ecosystem in our region and across the state with the Indiana STEM Ecosystem. We are seeking passionate, accomplished educators, industry pioneers, and influential community members to collaboratively shape our strategic direction and ensure impactful development of STEM education initiatives in our region.
Advisory Board duties include:
Attendance at in-person and virtual advisory board meetings (2x per year; our first meeting will be spring 2024)
Participation in virtual ecosystem meeting (1x per year)
Optional work group opportunities
We are asking region 3 members to assist in creating this team by nominating educators, business partners, and/or community advocates who champion your school corporation and work in STEM fields. We hope to have regional representation from all our counties on this board. Please complete this form to nominate those you think will be an advocate for this work in our region.
If you have questions, please contact Nicki Manion, Regional STEM Ecosystem Lead, nicki.manion@gmail.com.